What and where to recycle
Read our What & Where To Recycle reference chart of where you can take your 'rubbish' on Magnetic Island to reduce landfill. You'll be surprised at the vast range of items that can be reused and recycled!
Island Recycling

Tip Shop
You'll find the Magnetic Island Tip Shop inside the Transfer Station, on the Westpoint Road, just before the Cockle Bay turn off.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7am to 3.45 pm
Saturday & Sunday 9am to 12noon (Last vehicle through at 11.45am)
10c Container Recycling
Take your 10c containers to the Return-It Pod at the end of Mandalay end of Bottiger St in Nelly Bay (behind the school). To make your donation to Zero Waste use this code: C10196546.

Return-It 10c Containers Refund
Various locations
Earn 10c on every acceptable container and donate it to a worthy local island organisation, or save it for something special. Either way you'll be helping the environment.
Sign up to Return-It and visit our Facebook page for the next collection date where you can drop off your containers!
Return-It Truck Pick Up
Return-It will pick up your filled bag/box every Tuesday:
8am - 11am: At the old helipad on Nelly Bay Road, Nelly Bay.
12pm - 1pm: At the Men’s Shed: Horseshoe Bay Road, Horseshoe Bay, next to the skate park.
PLEASE NOTE: Pick up times and capacity can change due to demand as the small truck fills up quickly.
Return-It Bins Drop Off Bins and Pod
Deposit your 10c containers 24/7 at:
• The Return-IT bins at the Kindy, Sooning Street, Nelly Bay.
• Return-It Pod for containers on Mandalay Street, Nellly Bay, at end of Bottiger Street, behind the school.
To donate to Zero Waste use this code: C10196546.

Every battery has a different recycling journey. You can safely recycle nickel cadmium, nickel metal hydride, lithium ion, nickel zinc and small sealed lead batteries. Just take them to the Tip Shop at the Waste Transfer Station.

Various locations
One way to save money (and landfill), is to reduce waste in your kitchen. How many food scraps do you put in the bin? Which left over dinner could you freeze and have for lunch another day? If all else fails there's always the compost before you throw it out. Your garden will also prosper! If you need a hand getting started, just contact us.

Soft plastic
Soft plastics CANNOT go into the yellow lid recycling bins Please use the REDcycle bins located at Coles and Woolworths stores (no longer active)
Did you know that every single type of plastic is fully recyclable, yet according to Planet Ark, at least 20% of what is going to landfill in our general bin, could be recycled! Just wash it, collect it and drop it into the REDcycle bins located at Coles or Woolworths:
Bread, pasta and rice bags
Cereal box liners
Biscuit packets
Frozen food bags
Ice cream wrappers
Squeeze pouches
Plastic sachets
Bubble wrap
Cling wrap
Chocolate and muesli bar wrappers
Silver-lined chip and cracker packets
Confectionery bags
Fresh produce bags
Netting citrus bags
Polypropylene bags
Plastic film from grocery items like nappies and toilet paper
Courier satchels
Newspaper and magazine wrap
Sturdy pet food bags
Plastic bags from boutique/department stores
Large sheets of plastic that furniture comes wrapped in (cut into pieces the size of an A3 sheet of paper first)
Source: ecobin.com.au

Glass Jars
Try Facebook: See below for page suggestions
Why send them to landfill when someone may need your left over glass jar for their next production of home-made jam? If you can't use them for storing screws, nails or odd bits, wash and save glass jars (with metal caps) and list them on Facebook. Ah, mango chutney!
For all other glass items, try Vinnies, Facebook, or the Tip Shop.

Dried Markers and Pens
Try Facebook: See below for page suggestions
A recycling program is making all brands of pens and markers 100% recyclable. TerraCycle reuses, upcycles and recycles waste instead of incinerating or landfilling it.

Second Hand Clothes and Small Items
Various locations
Drop small items (other than clothes) at the Tip Shop at the Waste Transfer Station. Explore Vinnies in Nelly Bay for clothes and small household items.

Second Hand Furniture, White Goods and Large Items
MI Transfer Station and Tip Shop
It may seem old and out of date to you, but it could be the perfect short term furniture that someone needs, a beer fridge for a shed, or a bed for the dog. Before you send it off to the tip, try the Facebook pages below, or ask at the Tip Shop before you Tip it.

Metal, Wood and Plastic
Try Facebook: See below for page suggestions
You'd be amazed at how much metal, wood and plastic goes into landfill when someone could be able to reuse or re-purpose it. Try our Facebook pages below to sell your items or to give them away. You never know!
Visit our page where you'll get great ideas of how to
Try Maggie Facebook pages!
Magnetic Islanders are great recyclers of all manner of things! Whether you're wanting to get rid of something, or you need some left over roofing iron, bubble wrap or glass jars, all you need to do is to put the word out in a couple of places. First try asking on these Magnetic Island Facebook pages:
Heading to Townsville?
If you're heading to Townsville from Magnetic Island, here are some other handy ideas on how you can recycle, and purchase quality second hand goods:
Take your plastic milk bottle tops to Shed 3 at 15 Oonoonba Rd, Idalia. They will be shredded, melted and molded to make bowls, pot plant holders, outdoor furniture and all sorts of other useful items.
Recycle everything from old print cartridges, batteries, pens and markers, to eWaste (computers, laptops, keyboards, cables, chargers and mobile phones etc.) at Officeworks in Charters Towers Road.
Reef Recycling (Currajong TSV) recycle all drink containers approved under the QLD Containers for Change Scheme. 2/14 Keane St, Currajong, 4810
Return-It (Garbutt) - Unit 3/37-41 Mackley St, Garbutt, 4814 Ph: 07 3390 1377
Return-It (Condon) - 198 North Vickers Rd, Condon, 4815 Ph: 07 3390 1377
Townsville Demolitions:
Their popular recycle yard has become a thriving marketplace for builders, renovators, home owners, gardeners, designers and artists. Renovate and build on a budget or find vintage pieces that aren’t available on the market. -
Townsville has a bunch of second hand furniture, antique shops and markets and Facebook pages such as Townsville Buy, Swap, Sell, Townsville Vintage Obsession - Share & Sell and Townsville Vintage Buy, Swap & Sell.